Holy shit, I was surprised. Not only did they pull a VERY good Americano, you could still taste the subtleties even if I had it on ice, they also brew coffee in unconventional machines (unconventional for the Canadian market anyway). They had a japanese siphon coffee setup, a cold drip setup, and a beautiful pour-over setup. They actually made a pour-over when I was there, it smelled heavenly. If i had more time, I would have been back for sure. Maybe tomorrow.
Fact to be noted: Unlike the ad stated, the 2 guys working there this afternoon were really friendly, and service was amazing.
After asking the barista for any bar serving good microbrews, I ended up with 2 answers, Bellwoods and Cold tea bar. I decided to go to Cold Tea bar because I went to Bellwoods once before.
That was a mistake, I couldn't find the place.
Apparently, it is hidden in a mall in the middle of the Kensington Market, and since my shitty data plan decided to crash on me, I couldn't find the address. Tomorrow I guess.
I ended up at a place called Krepesz, which had a few microbrews on tap. I ordered a flying monkey amber ale, flying monkey's happens to be my favourite Ontarian microbrewery.
Great terrace in the middle of the market.
I ended up walking all the way back up to Parliament via Dundas, and ended up to probably my favourite Thai place in the city, Sukhothai.
This place was one of the very first place I ever had a perception changing food experience in Toronto. Before this, for me, Thai restaurant were average at best. Sloppy and average noodles, not spicy enough (the irony), too sweet, ketchup everywhere. I only tried corner-cutting places. I knew that Thai food could be a lot better, my parent's good friend who happened to be half-Thai made me taste amazing Northern Thai dishes, and I never could understand why I could never find anything as good in a restaurant. Then I tried Sukhothai in 2008-2009. It was seriously mind-blowing. No half-assed spicy, too sugary ketchup noodle. This is truly, delicious, mind-blowing Thai food. I try to go every time I'm back in Toronto, once or twice a year. it is that good.

Sukhothai Pad Thai with Shrimp, Thai spicy. God freaking dammit it's delicious. Beware of the spiciness level, it is really damn hot.
Sukhothai Pad Thai with Shrimp, Thai spicy. God freaking dammit it's delicious. Beware of the spiciness level, it is really damn hot.
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